The challenge
The experience of vision loss
Each year, thousands of New Zealanders are diagnosed with visual disorders that may lead to blindness. At the time of diagnosis people with uncorrectable vision loss feel shocked, anxious and alone. They also face practical concerns about money, jobs and coping with everyday life.
The need for low vision rehabilitation services
When a person's ability to perform key tasks of daily living is impaired, their quality of life is severely compromised. Low vision rehabilitation is a cost effective way of enabling people with sight loss to maintain their skills, their confidence and their independence.
VIZBANDS - a Dunedin first
Fabulous VIZBANDS are available from VICTA. Watch this space for more outlets around New Zealand.
Any amount, no matter how small, can help people who are losing their sight. You can make a simple but valuable donation, or donate to a specific project.
DONATESafer pedestrians
VICTA supports cycling, and cycling safety, but not at the expense of the safety of our most vulnerable road users: elderly and disabled pedestrians. People need separate walkways.