What we do
The Visual Impairment Charitable Trust Aotearoa NZ (VICTA) is an energetic new charity established in 2013 to address the unmet needs of the growing number of New Zealanders with uncorrectable vision loss.
- To facilitate the independence, integration and well-being of people disabled by visual impairment in New Zealand, and, in particular, of people disabled by visual impairment who are ineligible for assistance from the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind;
- To facilitate the provision of services for the support and assistance of people who are disabled by visual impairment;
- To facilitate community awareness and understanding of the needs of people who are disabled by visual impairment;
- To assist state, civic and other agencies to recognise and effectively eliminate barriers to the full participation of people who are disabled by visual impairment in New Zealand society;
- To facilitate research into all aspects of visual impairment in New Zealand, including, but not limited to, research into the causes, treatment, rehabilitation and social impact of the disability;
- To work with other organisations, foundations, associations, individuals and groups to advance these objects;
- To raise and distribute funds for these objects.
- Providing a voice for New Zealanders with low vision, from childhood to adulthood, in all areas of public life.
- Launching a petition to Parliament for a Select Committee inquiry into the provision of low vision rehabilitation services in New Zealand.
- Restoring low vision clinics in public hospitals (there used to be ten, now there are only two).
- Initiating a Low Vision/High Visibility road safety campaign.
- Creating a one-stop web resource for visually impaired New Zealanders, their families and caregivers with news, information, expert advice, daily living tips and directories of helpful products and services.
- Rating appliances, products and services for ease of use by people with low vision.
- Securing funds to provide ongoing support for, and research into, all aspects of visual impairment in New Zealand.
VIZBANDS - a Dunedin first
Fabulous VIZBANDS are available from VICTA. Watch this space for more outlets around New Zealand.
Any amount, no matter how small, can help people who are losing their sight. You can make a simple but valuable donation, or donate to a specific project.
DONATESafer pedestrians
VICTA supports cycling, and cycling safety, but not at the expense of the safety of our most vulnerable road users: elderly and disabled pedestrians. People need separate walkways.